If you refuse a chemical test, your driver’s license privilege MAY be suspended, but this issue can be ap-pealed. Hire a lawyer immediately as to not miss any time sensitive deadlines in appealing the suspension.

You do not have to let the Government have samples of your blood or urine. If they want it, they can get a warrant for it.

No. It is unreliable evidence that may be used against you at trial.

During a DWI Investigation, an officer certified to conduct Standardized Field Sobriety Tests may request a citizen to do three roadside tests. These tests are NOT pass or fail. The citizen’s performance only gives the officer clues in his subjective opinion as to possible intoxication. These standardized tests are approved by the National Highway and Transportation Safety Association (NHTSA) and must be conducted in the same manner every time. Any variation of these tests invalidates the entire test.


  • The first test is the Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus Test (HGN).
  • The second test is the Walk & Turn (Walk the line).
  • The third test is the one leg stand (Hold one foot 6 inches above the ground and count out loud to 30 or until the officer tells the citizen to stop).

Unless given consent, a police officer may not search your vehicle prior to an arrest unless the officer detects an odor of marihuana.

No-refusal does not mean no-refusal. It means that when you do refuse to consent to a breath test or a blood draw, the Government must apply for a Search Warrant to draw blood from you. Let them get a warrant.

During a DWI Investigation, law enforcement will confiscate a citizen’s driver’s license and mail it to Austin. Hire a lawyer to assist you with these license issues.

Everyone has a legal right to representation when being questioned by law enforcement. Ask for your lawyer. Have my number in your cell phone. (713) 201-6767.

Citizens should cooperate with law enforcement to the extent that it does not infringe on their Constitutional Rights. A citizen may step out of his/her car when asked to do so, but is under no obligation to perform Standardized Field Sobriety Tests.

Everyone has a Constitutional right to Remain Silent. Exercise it.

Intoxicated means having loss the normal use of your mental and/or physical faculties – the question be-comes, what is normal for you? An officer forms a subjective opinion on the street and usually has never en-countered this person prior to this incident;

A Financial Responsibility Insurance Certificate (SR-22) is a type of motor vehicle liability insurance. An SR-22 can be issued by most insurance providers and certifies that an individual has the minimum liability insurance as required by law. An insurance provider will automatically notify the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) when an SR-22 is cancelled, terminated or lapses.


For more information on getting and SR-22 visit http://www.spartansr22.com