We Support Our Community
Community Resources

JL Carpenter supports local community organizations both nearher home in Friendswood and others across the Houston area. Giving back to the community whether it’s financial, time or support, keeps these valuable organizations healthy and serving those in need.
As a DWI lawyer, JL understands the toll that substance abuse and addiction can have on a person and their family. That’s why the organizations below focus on helping people find hope and renewal from alcohol and drug addictions.
If you’re looking for help or you’d like to give to these organizations, please visit their websites below.
Way Out Women’s Center

The Way Out Women’s Center (WOWC) provides women with free detox and alcohol recovery services that help them turn their lives around. The organization is committed to boosting their residents’ health, healing and self-worth. With the right help, WOWC helps women begin a bold and purposeful path to alcohol abuse recovery. For more information or to make a donation, visit them here.
Bay Area Recovery Center
Bay Area Recovery Center(BARC) provides detox, inpatient and outpatient care for those suffering from alcohol and drug addiction. With locations throughout the Houston area and The Woodlands, its on-staff treatment specialists and medical professionals on staff provide patients with the tools they need to stay sober and help you regain the life you had before addiction. BARC has extensive experience treating addictions to opiates (Suboxone, heroin, Vicodin and prescription pills) as well as detox and rehab from benzo, Xanax and alcohol abuse. Locations are family-owned and operated. For more information or to make a donation, visit them here.
Kemah Palms Recovery Center
Kemah Palms is a top-rated rehabilitation facility located in South Houston that provides treatment for addiction and co-occurring disorders. The facility treats the mind, body and spirit by combining comprehensive evidence-based treatment with personalized service. Their holistic approach helps patients recover with medical detox programs and substance abuse treatment modalities that address core issues and emotional triggers that lead to dependency. For more information or to make a donation, visit them here.
Bay Area Club – Alcoholics Anonymous Meetings & More
The Bay Area Club is a local group that provides meeting places for 12-step recovery groups such as Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), Al-Anon Family Groups (AFG) and others. Open 7 days a week, all meetings are non-smoking, but there are designated smoking areas. No dues or membership fees required to attend meetings, but membership to the Bay Area Club is encouraged. For more information or to make a donation, visit them here.

The Up the Street Club – Alcoholic Anonymous Meetings & More
The Up the Street Club, Inc. of Webster, Texas is a “fresh air” meeting space for recovery groups to use for their daily /weekly meetings like Alcoholics Anonymous. For more information or to make a donation, visit them here.
The Spring Branch Memorial Club – Alcoholic Anonymous Meeting & More

The Spring Branch Memorial Club provides meeting spaces for recovery groups including Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), Al-Anon Family Groups (AFG) and others. For more information or to make a donation, visit them here.
The Wheelhouse
Founded in 1952, The Wheelhouse provide supportive environment and recovery tools to help men escape from alcohol and drug addiction and to return to functional, useful and

responsible members of society. It focuses on building authentic relationships that help bring relational, physical, and spiritual healing and restoration to those served. For some men, The Wheelhouse is a last resort for those who need one more chance and have nowhere else to go. It has been restoring hope since its beginning when one man, a recovering alcoholic, helped another alcoholic, which expanded into a life-changing model that has seen hundreds of men recover from the disease of alcoholism. For more information or to make a donation, visit them here.
Friendswood High School Football
We support Friendswood High School Football. To support the team Booster Club, visit here.